Wel dwi newydd fod mewn cyfarfod hefo'r DFID (U.K department of international develpment), diddorol! DFID sy'n ariannu'r prosiect ni yma'n Nepal, sef adeiladu ganolfan addysg i'r plant yn Lamatar a dysgu'r plant 3 gwaith yr wythnos, sy'n mynd yn dda gyda'r llaw, he he!
Ma'r DFID yn gyfrifol am ariannu prosiectau mewn gwledydd datblygiedig, ond yr hyn sy'n anodd yma'n Nepal ydi gwneud yn siwr bo'r arian yn mynd i'r llefydd cywir! Fel dwi 'di son eisoes ma'r llywodraeth yma'n Nepal yn ansefydlog ac yn dlawd,felly ma nhw'n derbyn arian gan NGO's a Banc y byd, ond gan bo'r llywodraeth yn ansefydlog dydyn nhw'm yn gwario'r arian yn gywir, ac felly ma addysg a iechyd yma'n Nepal yn wael iawn!Wrth gwrs ma'r DFID yn dadlau bo'r arian ma nhw'n roid i'r llywodraeth yn cael ei wario'n y llefydd cywir, ond eto pan wnes i ofyn faint o'r canran o arian ma nhw'n roid i'r llywodraeth sy'n cael ei wario ar y bobl yn Nepal, doedd gennyn nhw'm ateb! Pan wnes i ofyn pa mor siwr oedden nhw bo'r arian yn cael ei wario yn gywir? Doedd gennyn nhw'm ateb! Er gwaethaf hyn dwi'n siwr bo rhyw faint o'r arian yn wneud gwahaniaeth e.e ma nhw di gwella trafnidiaeth yma'n Nepal drwy ariannu nifer o brosiectau i agor ffyrdd mewn ardaloedd anghysbell. wrth gwrs ma hyn yn sicrhau gwaith i'r bobl ac yn gwella marchnad y wlad!
Ond ar y cyfan, maen anodd iawn datblygu gwlad sy heb sefydlogrwydd!
Fory da ni'n cerdded milltiroedd fyny rw fynyddoedd yn rwla, edrych ymlaen!
DFID meeting!
We asked them how much of the percentage of the money they give to the goverment has been used correctly? No answer! But they did have evidence that proved that their are many developments here in Nepal, for example they've opened many new roads in rural areas, which gives more job opportunities for Nepali people, and also strengthen's the market and trade business in Nepal!
But, to be honest, i think the DFID needs to work more closely with the government makins sure they use the money that they recieve from NGO'S and so on correctly, because the government is so corrupted they haven't got a clue what to do with the money, they don't care about the people, education and health because they are to busy trying to gain more power! It's sad, but i believe eventually with the help of DFID they'll eventually gain stability and security and a true democratic system, because at the moment their isn't any stability here! And all Nepali people tell us everyday that their government is corrupted, they can't do anything about it, their frustrated and sad but they live life hoping that one day they'll be a democratic republic! But for now they use religion for guidance and stability and this means they live very traditional lives, which means gender inequailty is still a problem! It's complicated and for you lot it might be a little bit boring, but when i get home i'll explain in more depth and hopefully you'll understand!
Dechreuais i sgwennu'r blog tra oeddwn i ffwrdd yn Nepal...felly ma'r blog yn reit gall ar y dechrau ond erbyn hyn dw i'n sgwennu am fy meddyliau, barn, cwyn a pob math o bethau eraill i'ch diddanu chi gobeithio!
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Well we visited the orphanage, I was pleasantly suprised as it was very clean and modern and had western facilities! The children were well looked after and they all recieved good education and generally lived happy lives! After visiting an orphanage in Romania I was expecting too see a horrible building with under fed children but the orphanage is better than some of our home stays! But of course their is a reason for this, which opened my eyes! The orphanage if funded by NGO'S in Germany, and they only take children who have one parent, or close relatives that have their birth and family death records, that are poorly financed or simply can't afford to keep their children! Okay it's a good idea as these children get a Nepali citizenship card and then they can go on to live a well educated life! But what about the children that have no relatives or parents? and no previous records of their past relatives? what happens to them? As they can never claim a citizenship card! All these questions gave me a headache, and it dawned on me that their are many children in Nepal living without any hope of living a normal life!! It's sad, and if I got the opportunity to come and volunteer here again with a funded charity I would like to come and help the street kids, homeless and the children that can't get an education because they can't get a citizens card!
Anyway, in the afternoon we caught a micro bus to Kathmandu, which was an experience as they manages to squeese like 40 people into a small mini bus, I was squashed! When we got to Kathmandu we all went straight to the cake shop and ate ridicilous amount of carrot cake and about 3 mocha's each, delightful! We then headed to the hotel and chilled, and I HAD MY FIRST HOT SHOWER IN NEPAL! It was awesome, I felt so clean!
Once we all got ready for a evening meal, I recieved a phone call from Bal Krishna! He informed us that a small group of republic Maoist were planning a stike today (Sunday yesterday was Saturday), so we all had to div into the nearest restaurant, order our food, eat, re-pack and head back to Lamatar, it was a massive adventure and I loved every second of the excitment although many of us were dissapointed! But I thought that if we stayed in Kathmandu it would be meen that we would witness some violent outburst and horrific protesting, so I was glad Bal came and got us! But this morning we got up and the strike was cancelled, I couldn't believe it, he he! But we made the most of our weekend anyway and hiked up to the Summit Cafe on top of the massive hill in Lamatar and ate a massive continental breakfast and muesli, it was gorgeous!!!
There's an anarchist strike on tomorrow, so none of the public transport will be running, which means that everybody we'll be staying in the community tomorrow, so my brothers will have a day off school, wohoow! Although they like getting a day off school, it's a shame that they have to miss school on a regular basis because of strikes and political conflicts!!
Wel ar ol bod yn y catref amddifad, o ni braidd yn siomedig! Er bod yr catref amddifad yn wneud gwaith anhygoel yn magu'r plant a gwneud yn siwr bo nhw'n derbyn addysg ! Ges i'n siomi achos dydyn nhw'm mewn gwirionedd yn blant amddifad, achos cyn bo nhw'n cael ei derbyn i'r catref rhai bod gennyn nhw un rhiant neu gofnod o unrhyw berthynas! Y rheswm am hyn ydi oherwydd cyn bo chi'n medru hawlio cerdyn dinasyddol, rhaid bo gen chi gofnod o aelod o'ch teulu, ac os nad oes gennych unrhyw gofnod yna ni chewch eich derbyn mewn unrhyw Brifysgol yma'n Nepal na cael eich derbyn fel aelod o'r gymdeithas! A gan bo'r catref amddifad yn gofalu bo'r plant yn cael magwraeth arferol ac felly'n derbyn addysg uwch a sgiliau cyffredinol, dydyn nhw'm yn fodlon derbyn plant heb unrhyw gofnodion o gyn aelodau teuluol, ond i ryw raddau dwi'n deall pam, achos does na'm modd iddyn nhw ddatblygu yma'n Nepal!
Am y rheswm yma ges i'n siomi ac os gai gyfle arall i wirfoddoli yma'n Nepal, sw ni'n hoffi helpu'r plant sydd wir YN amddifad!
Prynhawn Sadwrn: Wel son am antur, gafodd ni'r micro bus i Kathmandu, dwi rioed di bod mo'r clostraphobic yn fy mywyd! Iesu mawr! Cyrredd Kathmandu, bwyta llwyth o gacenni a yfed dw ni'm faint o Mocha's! Rhedeg i'r gwesty i gael cawod, Y GAWOD GYNHESAF ERIOED, WIPIII! Rhedeg o'r gwesty i fwyta mwy o fwyd, ond wedyn ges i alwad ffon gan Bal Krishna'r deutha ni am hel ein stwff a rhedeg yn nol i'r gwesty i ddal y bws yn nol i'r gymdeithas achos bo'r Maoist yn bygwrth streic! Pa ry'n bynnag, ges i noc ar fy'n nrws bore ma gan aelod o'r teulu a dyma fo'n deutha ni bo'r streic di cael ei ganslo, ar ol yr holl stwr! he he, son am antur! Ond ma'r streic dal ar fory!!
Wel, well i mi fynd, diolch i chi am ddarllen fy mlog a sori bo'r iaith braidd yn fratiog, ond dim ond ychydig o amser dwi'n gael ar y we ac felly dwi'n brysio i sgwennu'r blog yn Gymraeg ac drwy'r gyfrwng Saesneg!
Hwyl am y tro
Well we visited the orphanage, I was pleasantly suprised as it was very clean and modern and had western facilities! The children were well looked after and they all recieved good education and generally lived happy lives! After visiting an orphanage in Romania I was expecting too see a horrible building with under fed children but the orphanage is better than some of our home stays! But of course their is a reason for this, which opened my eyes! The orphanage if funded by NGO'S in Germany, and they only take children who have one parent, or close relatives that have their birth and family death records, that are poorly financed or simply can't afford to keep their children! Okay it's a good idea as these children get a Nepali citizenship card and then they can go on to live a well educated life! But what about the children that have no relatives or parents? and no previous records of their past relatives? what happens to them? As they can never claim a citizenship card! All these questions gave me a headache, and it dawned on me that their are many children in Nepal living without any hope of living a normal life!! It's sad, and if I got the opportunity to come and volunteer here again with a funded charity I would like to come and help the street kids, homeless and the children that can't get an education because they can't get a citizens card!
Anyway, in the afternoon we caught a micro bus to Kathmandu, which was an experience as they manages to squeese like 40 people into a small mini bus, I was squashed! When we got to Kathmandu we all went straight to the cake shop and ate ridicilous amount of carrot cake and about 3 mocha's each, delightful! We then headed to the hotel and chilled, and I HAD MY FIRST HOT SHOWER IN NEPAL! It was awesome, I felt so clean!
Once we all got ready for a evening meal, I recieved a phone call from Bal Krishna! He informed us that a small group of republic Maoist were planning a stike today (Sunday yesterday was Saturday), so we all had to div into the nearest restaurant, order our food, eat, re-pack and head back to Lamatar, it was a massive adventure and I loved every second of the excitment although many of us were dissapointed! But I thought that if we stayed in Kathmandu it would be meen that we would witness some violent outburst and horrific protesting, so I was glad Bal came and got us! But this morning we got up and the strike was cancelled, I couldn't believe it, he he! But we made the most of our weekend anyway and hiked up to the Summit Cafe on top of the massive hill in Lamatar and ate a massive continental breakfast and muesli, it was gorgeous!!!
There's an anarchist strike on tomorrow, so none of the public transport will be running, which means that everybody we'll be staying in the community tomorrow, so my brothers will have a day off school, wohoow! Although they like getting a day off school, it's a shame that they have to miss school on a regular basis because of strikes and political conflicts!!
Wel ar ol bod yn y catref amddifad, o ni braidd yn siomedig! Er bod yr catref amddifad yn wneud gwaith anhygoel yn magu'r plant a gwneud yn siwr bo nhw'n derbyn addysg ! Ges i'n siomi achos dydyn nhw'm mewn gwirionedd yn blant amddifad, achos cyn bo nhw'n cael ei derbyn i'r catref rhai bod gennyn nhw un rhiant neu gofnod o unrhyw berthynas! Y rheswm am hyn ydi oherwydd cyn bo chi'n medru hawlio cerdyn dinasyddol, rhaid bo gen chi gofnod o aelod o'ch teulu, ac os nad oes gennych unrhyw gofnod yna ni chewch eich derbyn mewn unrhyw Brifysgol yma'n Nepal na cael eich derbyn fel aelod o'r gymdeithas! A gan bo'r catref amddifad yn gofalu bo'r plant yn cael magwraeth arferol ac felly'n derbyn addysg uwch a sgiliau cyffredinol, dydyn nhw'm yn fodlon derbyn plant heb unrhyw gofnodion o gyn aelodau teuluol, ond i ryw raddau dwi'n deall pam, achos does na'm modd iddyn nhw ddatblygu yma'n Nepal!
Am y rheswm yma ges i'n siomi ac os gai gyfle arall i wirfoddoli yma'n Nepal, sw ni'n hoffi helpu'r plant sydd wir YN amddifad!
Prynhawn Sadwrn: Wel son am antur, gafodd ni'r micro bus i Kathmandu, dwi rioed di bod mo'r clostraphobic yn fy mywyd! Iesu mawr! Cyrredd Kathmandu, bwyta llwyth o gacenni a yfed dw ni'm faint o Mocha's! Rhedeg i'r gwesty i gael cawod, Y GAWOD GYNHESAF ERIOED, WIPIII! Rhedeg o'r gwesty i fwyta mwy o fwyd, ond wedyn ges i alwad ffon gan Bal Krishna'r deutha ni am hel ein stwff a rhedeg yn nol i'r gwesty i ddal y bws yn nol i'r gymdeithas achos bo'r Maoist yn bygwrth streic! Pa ry'n bynnag, ges i noc ar fy'n nrws bore ma gan aelod o'r teulu a dyma fo'n deutha ni bo'r streic di cael ei ganslo, ar ol yr holl stwr! he he, son am antur! Ond ma'r streic dal ar fory!!
Wel, well i mi fynd, diolch i chi am ddarllen fy mlog a sori bo'r iaith braidd yn fratiog, ond dim ond ychydig o amser dwi'n gael ar y we ac felly dwi'n brysio i sgwennu'r blog yn Gymraeg ac drwy'r gyfrwng Saesneg!
Hwyl am y tro
Friday, 19 February 2010
Wel da ni cael wythnos reit llwyddiannus, da ni 'di llwyddo malu set anferth o risiau a tra'n neud hynny ddaru'r neidr anferthol ma ddod i'r golwg, o ni'n cachu brics! Diolch i dduw doedd o'm yn beryglus! Feww! Da ni hefyd di dechrau gosod ffenestri'r adeilad felly ma pob dim yn dod at ei gilydd!
Dwi hefyd di bod yn gwario dipyn o amser hefo fy nheulu wythnos yma, a dysgu Nepali a stwff!! Heddiw da ni'n mynd i weld catref amddifad a fferm organic! Wedyn da ni off i Kathmandu i fyta chips a gweld chydig bach mwy o'r ddinas! Dwi wrth fy modd yn gweld hen adeiladau a stwff, ond fory dwi'n gobeithio mynd i Bodnhath i weld bach mwy o ddiwylliant y wlad! Dwi'n gobeithio bu na lai o bobol yno na ardaloedd eraill yn Kathmandu a dwi hefyd yn gobeithio dysgu sut i wneud bowlenni allan o ddail, woop!!
Hwyl am y tro!
We've had a very successful week at the workplace this week, we've knocked a set o stairs down and started 2 put the windows in for the learning centre, great work guys! I've also spent a lot of time with my family this week, which has been great! I'm starting 2 really bond with them and I'm gutted i'll have to leave them in a couple of weeks (cheesy)!!!
Today, we're off too see an orphange and then a organic farm, I'm exited, because it's something different to what we do usually on a Saturday morning! Then i'm off to Kathmandu with the group to see more of the beautiful city and eat chips, yummy!
Chow 4 now my friends!
Dwi hefyd di bod yn gwario dipyn o amser hefo fy nheulu wythnos yma, a dysgu Nepali a stwff!! Heddiw da ni'n mynd i weld catref amddifad a fferm organic! Wedyn da ni off i Kathmandu i fyta chips a gweld chydig bach mwy o'r ddinas! Dwi wrth fy modd yn gweld hen adeiladau a stwff, ond fory dwi'n gobeithio mynd i Bodnhath i weld bach mwy o ddiwylliant y wlad! Dwi'n gobeithio bu na lai o bobol yno na ardaloedd eraill yn Kathmandu a dwi hefyd yn gobeithio dysgu sut i wneud bowlenni allan o ddail, woop!!
Hwyl am y tro!
We've had a very successful week at the workplace this week, we've knocked a set o stairs down and started 2 put the windows in for the learning centre, great work guys! I've also spent a lot of time with my family this week, which has been great! I'm starting 2 really bond with them and I'm gutted i'll have to leave them in a couple of weeks (cheesy)!!!
Today, we're off too see an orphange and then a organic farm, I'm exited, because it's something different to what we do usually on a Saturday morning! Then i'm off to Kathmandu with the group to see more of the beautiful city and eat chips, yummy!
Chow 4 now my friends!
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Helo, Numaste, hello!
Wel, dwi di dysgu lot erbyn hyn a di derbyn profiadau anhygoel yn Nakargot! Ma'r stumog yn well, wyhyw!
Reit ho, wel wythnos yma da ni 'di bod yn brysur yn symud llwyth o dywod a cerrig a stwff! Ac gafodd ni sgwrs am yr UN a hawliau dynol a ballu dydd Gwener, rili cwl! Ma na gymaint o anghyfiawnder yn y byd, a does na'm modd gwella'r sefyllfa i ryw raddau ond dwi am ymuno hefo Amnaste pan ddoi adre a trio neud chydig o wahaniaeth!
Cafodd ni benwythnos llawn hwyl yn Nakargot yn gweld yr haul yn machlud dros Everest ar Himalyaaas, son am olygfa! Gellai'm disgifio fo mewn geiriau rili! Cafodd ni fwyd anhygoel yn y gwesty, cig! Waw, cig!!! A cyri rili poeth, ond dwi' di meistrioli'r grefft o fyta bwyd poeth erbyn hyn!!
So dyna dwi di bod yn neud! Rwan, dwi am son chydig mwy am fy nheulu yma'n Nepal! I ddechrau, dyma'r aelodau:
Hajurama= Nain Nepali
Hajurbwa= Taid Nepali
Kaki= Anti Nepali
Kaka= Yncyl Nepali
Nirjal- Enw'n mrawd Nepali sy'n 16 oed.
Niraj= Fy mrawd ieuengaf sy'n 14 oed.
Nur= Fy mrawd o Birmingham, he he!
Dipa= Fy enw Nepali, sy'n golygu fflam yn Nepali.
Bal Krishna= Bos ni yma'n Nepal, ma'n ddyn anhygoel ac yn hollol unigryw, dwi rioed di cyfarfod neb mor glen yn fy mywyd!
He he rhag ofn bo chi'n drysu! Ma'r teulu'n wych a ma Hajurama'n rili rili ffyni, maen siarad Nepali hefo fi drwy'r amser, sy'n wych achos dw i'n cael cyfle i ymarfer! Er ma'r iaith yn anodd iawn , ond dwi'n gallu cynnal sgyrsiau byr iawn iawn iawn erbyn hyn! e.e Tapallai Casta Cha? (Sut wyt ti?) Sanchai Cha (iawn diolch)! Ma "Pugyo'n" air hynod ddefnyddiol sy'n golygu 'Dwi'n hollol llawn a gellai'm byta dim mwy", 'Numaste' yn golygu 'Helo', Tick cha sy'n golygu OKAY! A Baart sy'n golygu reis, tarkarri (cyri), Daal (fel cawl rili hallt)! he he a 'Pokara' sy'n golygu Onion Bhaji! Sutrabieni (nos da) a dwi'm yn cofio'r gair 'bore da' sori dwds! Urmm taka lagyo (dwisho bwyd) he he! A dyma chi ffaith ddiddorol, ma mwgwd yn golygu'r un peth yn Nepali h.y Mask! Cwl de?!
Reit dyna'r low down hyd yn hyn! Welai chi'n fuan dwds! A dwi'm yn credu bo fi di bod yma am 5 wythnos, ma amser yn hedfan! Damia! Dw i'm rili'n edrych ymlaen i wynebu realiti pan ddoi'n nol!
Chow 4 Now Henffych,
Hello My Friends!
Right, the low down very quickly! We visited Nakargot, which was very very beautiful! We saw the Sun rise over Mt Everest and the Himalayaas! Very beautiful!
Okay, now I would like 2 tell you about my family members, so that you don't get confused when I write about them on my blog:
Hajurama= Nepali Grandma
Hajurbwa=Nepali Grandad
Kaki= Nepali Aunt
Kaka=Nepali Uncle
Nirjal= My Nepali brother who i 16
Niraj= My youngest Nepali brother who is 14.
Nur= My house mate from U.K
Bal Krishna= Our project supervisor! Such a cool dude!
Dippa= This is my Nepali name, like candle light, flame!
I can't believe 5 weeks have past by arleady, I'm having an amazing time and I don't won't 2 face reality when I get back, he he!
Good bye 4 now,
Reit ho, wel wythnos yma da ni 'di bod yn brysur yn symud llwyth o dywod a cerrig a stwff! Ac gafodd ni sgwrs am yr UN a hawliau dynol a ballu dydd Gwener, rili cwl! Ma na gymaint o anghyfiawnder yn y byd, a does na'm modd gwella'r sefyllfa i ryw raddau ond dwi am ymuno hefo Amnaste pan ddoi adre a trio neud chydig o wahaniaeth!
Cafodd ni benwythnos llawn hwyl yn Nakargot yn gweld yr haul yn machlud dros Everest ar Himalyaaas, son am olygfa! Gellai'm disgifio fo mewn geiriau rili! Cafodd ni fwyd anhygoel yn y gwesty, cig! Waw, cig!!! A cyri rili poeth, ond dwi' di meistrioli'r grefft o fyta bwyd poeth erbyn hyn!!
So dyna dwi di bod yn neud! Rwan, dwi am son chydig mwy am fy nheulu yma'n Nepal! I ddechrau, dyma'r aelodau:
Hajurama= Nain Nepali
Hajurbwa= Taid Nepali
Kaki= Anti Nepali
Kaka= Yncyl Nepali
Nirjal- Enw'n mrawd Nepali sy'n 16 oed.
Niraj= Fy mrawd ieuengaf sy'n 14 oed.
Nur= Fy mrawd o Birmingham, he he!
Dipa= Fy enw Nepali, sy'n golygu fflam yn Nepali.
Bal Krishna= Bos ni yma'n Nepal, ma'n ddyn anhygoel ac yn hollol unigryw, dwi rioed di cyfarfod neb mor glen yn fy mywyd!
He he rhag ofn bo chi'n drysu! Ma'r teulu'n wych a ma Hajurama'n rili rili ffyni, maen siarad Nepali hefo fi drwy'r amser, sy'n wych achos dw i'n cael cyfle i ymarfer! Er ma'r iaith yn anodd iawn , ond dwi'n gallu cynnal sgyrsiau byr iawn iawn iawn erbyn hyn! e.e Tapallai Casta Cha? (Sut wyt ti?) Sanchai Cha (iawn diolch)! Ma "Pugyo'n" air hynod ddefnyddiol sy'n golygu 'Dwi'n hollol llawn a gellai'm byta dim mwy", 'Numaste' yn golygu 'Helo', Tick cha sy'n golygu OKAY! A Baart sy'n golygu reis, tarkarri (cyri), Daal (fel cawl rili hallt)! he he a 'Pokara' sy'n golygu Onion Bhaji! Sutrabieni (nos da) a dwi'm yn cofio'r gair 'bore da' sori dwds! Urmm taka lagyo (dwisho bwyd) he he! A dyma chi ffaith ddiddorol, ma mwgwd yn golygu'r un peth yn Nepali h.y Mask! Cwl de?!
Reit dyna'r low down hyd yn hyn! Welai chi'n fuan dwds! A dwi'm yn credu bo fi di bod yma am 5 wythnos, ma amser yn hedfan! Damia! Dw i'm rili'n edrych ymlaen i wynebu realiti pan ddoi'n nol!
Chow 4 Now Henffych,
Hello My Friends!
Right, the low down very quickly! We visited Nakargot, which was very very beautiful! We saw the Sun rise over Mt Everest and the Himalayaas! Very beautiful!
Okay, now I would like 2 tell you about my family members, so that you don't get confused when I write about them on my blog:
Hajurama= Nepali Grandma
Hajurbwa=Nepali Grandad
Kaki= Nepali Aunt
Kaka=Nepali Uncle
Nirjal= My Nepali brother who i 16
Niraj= My youngest Nepali brother who is 14.
Nur= My house mate from U.K
Bal Krishna= Our project supervisor! Such a cool dude!
Dippa= This is my Nepali name, like candle light, flame!
I can't believe 5 weeks have past by arleady, I'm having an amazing time and I don't won't 2 face reality when I get back, he he!
Good bye 4 now,
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Maiti Nepal /Pashipati!
Well i've had a different week, firstly I'll chat 2 you all about Maiti Nepal! Maiti Nepal is basically is a refruge centre for woman and young people that have been sold for sex, part of their body's or simply as slaves to other countries! In Nepal over 300,000 people are sold 2 India every year, which is dreadful and Maiti Nepal only manage 2 save 300 of them! But it's not's Maiti Nepal's fault as their doing an amazing job considering the fact that Nepal is a corrupted country politcally and the police usually work with brothels and so on! So it's very difficult 2 catch and save all the people that get trafficked every year! It's sad because its so easy 2 cross 2 India if your a Nepali citizen so it's impossible 2 track these people down once they get missing! Very sad but Maiti Nepal was amazing, they've set up a school for the children a councelling and HIV and Aids centre as well as a psychological clinic! Amazing and they teach the women crafts so that they can defend for themselves! Amazing!
The other place that's touched me this week is Pashi Pati temple, it's where the Hindu's get cremated, it's pretty horrific because I saw a buddihst (obviously dead) being burnt right in front of me! Scary stuff! But yet again his soul had been taken before he was burnt! The Sadhu's were pretty amazing, living a simple life and wating for death! They were all a little strange and wanted 5pound for every photo we took of them! Silly! The place was amazing although the monkeys were dead scary!
Helo pawb! Sori sgenai'm llawer o amser i ysgrifennu lot , felly ymddiheuriadau enfawr ond oes modd i chi gyfieithu'r uchod eich hunain? He he! Caru chi gyd! xxx xxxxx
The other place that's touched me this week is Pashi Pati temple, it's where the Hindu's get cremated, it's pretty horrific because I saw a buddihst (obviously dead) being burnt right in front of me! Scary stuff! But yet again his soul had been taken before he was burnt! The Sadhu's were pretty amazing, living a simple life and wating for death! They were all a little strange and wanted 5pound for every photo we took of them! Silly! The place was amazing although the monkeys were dead scary!
Helo pawb! Sori sgenai'm llawer o amser i ysgrifennu lot , felly ymddiheuriadau enfawr ond oes modd i chi gyfieithu'r uchod eich hunain? He he! Caru chi gyd! xxx xxxxx
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Da ni di bod yn adeiladu ond wthnos yma gan bo ni di bod yma am 5 wthnos, oddi'n amser i ni gyd wneud y cyflwyniad! Diolch byth ges i'r cyfle i drafod diwylliant Nepal a ges i fraw achos dwi di dysgu mwy am y wlad nag o ni'n ddychmygu sw ni rioed yn dysgu am wlad arall arwahan i Gymru! Wnes i drafod pa mor neis di'r teulu a pa mor croesawgar ydyn nhw er gwaetha'r ffaith bo nhw'n deffro am 4 y bore a deffro fi, ond dwi licio nhw lot ac yn mwynhau pob eiliad o'i cwmni nhw! Dwi hefyd di dysgu lot am ei crefydd nhw, sy'n wahanol ac ychydig yn nyts ond ma'n neud lot o synnwr pan bo nhw'n licio fo gymaint achos ma'r llywodraeth yn chwalfa llwyr, felly ma'r crefydd yn cynnig sefydlogrwydd a rheola i bobl Nepal! Dwi ar frys felly sgenai'm llawer o amser i drafod hyn mewn manylder, tro nesa! Hwyl am y tro, Ceri!
We had 2 make a presentation this week, i talked about how Nepali culture has affected me as a person! Obviously gender inequality, but i've also learnt the importance of family and that is something I envy, My nepali famliy have been generous and shown me affection as if I was their's as in their daughter! I haven't got much time 2 write anymore! But until next time, chow!xxx
We had 2 make a presentation this week, i talked about how Nepali culture has affected me as a person! Obviously gender inequality, but i've also learnt the importance of family and that is something I envy, My nepali famliy have been generous and shown me affection as if I was their's as in their daughter! I haven't got much time 2 write anymore! But until next time, chow!xxx
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