Sunday, 21 February 2010


Well we visited the orphanage, I was pleasantly suprised as it was very clean and modern and had western facilities! The children were well looked after and they all recieved good education and generally lived happy lives! After visiting an orphanage in Romania I was expecting too see a horrible building with under fed children but the orphanage is better than some of our home stays! But of course their is a reason for this, which opened my eyes! The orphanage if funded by NGO'S in Germany, and they only take children who have one parent, or close relatives that have their birth and family death records, that are poorly financed or simply can't afford to keep their children! Okay it's a good idea as these children get a Nepali citizenship card and then they can go on to live a well educated life! But what about the children that have no relatives or parents? and no previous records of their past relatives? what happens to them? As they can never claim a citizenship card! All these questions gave me a headache, and it dawned on me that their are many children in Nepal living without any hope of living a normal life!! It's sad, and if I got the opportunity to come and volunteer here again with a funded charity I would like to come and help the street kids, homeless and the children that can't get an education because they can't get a citizens card!

Anyway, in the afternoon we caught a micro bus to Kathmandu, which was an experience as they manages to squeese like 40 people into a small mini bus, I was squashed! When we got to Kathmandu we all went straight to the cake shop and ate ridicilous amount of carrot cake and about 3 mocha's each, delightful! We then headed to the hotel and chilled, and I HAD MY FIRST HOT SHOWER IN NEPAL! It was awesome, I felt so clean!

Once we all got ready for a evening meal, I recieved a phone call from Bal Krishna! He informed us that a small group of republic Maoist were planning a stike today (Sunday yesterday was Saturday), so we all had to div into the nearest restaurant, order our food, eat, re-pack and head back to Lamatar, it was a massive adventure and I loved every second of the excitment although many of us were dissapointed! But I thought that if we stayed in Kathmandu it would be meen that we would witness some violent outburst and horrific protesting, so I was glad Bal came and got us! But this morning we got up and the strike was cancelled, I couldn't believe it, he he! But we made the most of our weekend anyway and hiked up to the Summit Cafe on top of the massive hill in Lamatar and ate a massive continental breakfast and muesli, it was gorgeous!!!

There's an anarchist strike on tomorrow, so none of the public transport will be running, which means that everybody we'll be staying in the community tomorrow, so my brothers will have a day off school, wohoow! Although they like getting a day off school, it's a shame that they have to miss school on a regular basis because of strikes and political conflicts!!

Wel ar ol bod yn y catref amddifad, o ni braidd yn siomedig! Er bod yr catref amddifad yn wneud gwaith anhygoel yn magu'r plant a gwneud yn siwr bo nhw'n derbyn addysg ! Ges i'n siomi achos dydyn nhw'm mewn gwirionedd yn blant amddifad, achos cyn bo nhw'n cael ei derbyn i'r catref rhai bod gennyn nhw un rhiant neu gofnod o unrhyw berthynas! Y rheswm am hyn ydi oherwydd cyn bo chi'n medru hawlio cerdyn dinasyddol, rhaid bo gen chi gofnod o aelod o'ch teulu, ac os nad oes gennych unrhyw gofnod yna ni chewch eich derbyn mewn unrhyw Brifysgol yma'n Nepal na cael eich derbyn fel aelod o'r gymdeithas! A gan bo'r catref amddifad yn gofalu bo'r plant yn cael magwraeth arferol ac felly'n derbyn addysg uwch a sgiliau cyffredinol, dydyn nhw'm yn fodlon derbyn plant heb unrhyw gofnodion o gyn aelodau teuluol, ond i ryw raddau dwi'n deall pam, achos does na'm modd iddyn nhw ddatblygu yma'n Nepal!

Am y rheswm yma ges i'n siomi ac os gai gyfle arall i wirfoddoli yma'n Nepal, sw ni'n hoffi helpu'r plant sydd wir YN amddifad!

Prynhawn Sadwrn: Wel son am antur, gafodd ni'r micro bus i Kathmandu, dwi rioed di bod mo'r clostraphobic yn fy mywyd! Iesu mawr! Cyrredd Kathmandu, bwyta llwyth o gacenni a yfed dw ni'm faint o Mocha's! Rhedeg i'r gwesty i gael cawod, Y GAWOD GYNHESAF ERIOED, WIPIII! Rhedeg o'r gwesty i fwyta mwy o fwyd, ond wedyn ges i alwad ffon gan Bal Krishna'r deutha ni am hel ein stwff a rhedeg yn nol i'r gwesty i ddal y bws yn nol i'r gymdeithas achos bo'r Maoist yn bygwrth streic! Pa ry'n bynnag, ges i noc ar fy'n nrws bore ma gan aelod o'r teulu a dyma fo'n deutha ni bo'r streic di cael ei ganslo, ar ol yr holl stwr! he he, son am antur! Ond ma'r streic dal ar fory!!

Wel, well i mi fynd, diolch i chi am ddarllen fy mlog a sori bo'r iaith braidd yn fratiog, ond dim ond ychydig o amser dwi'n gael ar y we ac felly dwi'n brysio i sgwennu'r blog yn Gymraeg ac drwy'r gyfrwng Saesneg!

Hwyl am y tro

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