Wel da ni cael wythnos reit llwyddiannus, da ni 'di llwyddo malu set anferth o risiau a tra'n neud hynny ddaru'r neidr anferthol ma ddod i'r golwg, o ni'n cachu brics! Diolch i dduw doedd o'm yn beryglus! Feww! Da ni hefyd di dechrau gosod ffenestri'r adeilad felly ma pob dim yn dod at ei gilydd!
Dwi hefyd di bod yn gwario dipyn o amser hefo fy nheulu wythnos yma, a dysgu Nepali a stwff!! Heddiw da ni'n mynd i weld catref amddifad a fferm organic! Wedyn da ni off i Kathmandu i fyta chips a gweld chydig bach mwy o'r ddinas! Dwi wrth fy modd yn gweld hen adeiladau a stwff, ond fory dwi'n gobeithio mynd i Bodnhath i weld bach mwy o ddiwylliant y wlad! Dwi'n gobeithio bu na lai o bobol yno na ardaloedd eraill yn Kathmandu a dwi hefyd yn gobeithio dysgu sut i wneud bowlenni allan o ddail, woop!!
Hwyl am y tro!
We've had a very successful week at the workplace this week, we've knocked a set o stairs down and started 2 put the windows in for the learning centre, great work guys! I've also spent a lot of time with my family this week, which has been great! I'm starting 2 really bond with them and I'm gutted i'll have to leave them in a couple of weeks (cheesy)!!!
Today, we're off too see an orphange and then a organic farm, I'm exited, because it's something different to what we do usually on a Saturday morning! Then i'm off to Kathmandu with the group to see more of the beautiful city and eat chips, yummy!
Chow 4 now my friends!
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