Well i've had a different week, firstly I'll chat 2 you all about Maiti Nepal! Maiti Nepal is basically is a refruge centre for woman and young people that have been sold for sex, part of their body's or simply as slaves to other countries! In Nepal over 300,000 people are sold 2 India every year, which is dreadful and Maiti Nepal only manage 2 save 300 of them! But it's not's Maiti Nepal's fault as their doing an amazing job considering the fact that Nepal is a corrupted country politcally and the police usually work with brothels and so on! So it's very difficult 2 catch and save all the people that get trafficked every year! It's sad because its so easy 2 cross 2 India if your a Nepali citizen so it's impossible 2 track these people down once they get missing! Very sad but Maiti Nepal was amazing, they've set up a school for the children a councelling and HIV and Aids centre as well as a psychological clinic! Amazing and they teach the women crafts so that they can defend for themselves! Amazing!
The other place that's touched me this week is Pashi Pati temple, it's where the Hindu's get cremated, it's pretty horrific because I saw a buddihst (obviously dead) being burnt right in front of me! Scary stuff! But yet again his soul had been taken before he was burnt! The Sadhu's were pretty amazing, living a simple life and wating for death! They were all a little strange and wanted 5pound for every photo we took of them! Silly! The place was amazing although the monkeys were dead scary!
Helo pawb! Sori sgenai'm llawer o amser i ysgrifennu lot , felly ymddiheuriadau enfawr ond oes modd i chi gyfieithu'r uchod eich hunain? He he! Caru chi gyd! xxx xxxxx
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