Thursday, 28 January 2010

Hi guys!

No news really, still eating rice, still craving steak and chips! Although i've been ill for the past dew days with irratible bowl syndrome! Getting better though!

We went to Patan Durbar Sq on sunday which was really cool, and i did a little bit of praying and ate 3 pancakes which made me very ill! ha!

Family still lovely and i take more part in their daily responsibilites I helped my mother 2 wash some pots the other night and discovered they wash them with mud, mingin! So i scrubbed them very clean, don't worry platform 2 I wash my own dishes every night but they've only just let me wash the pots, privliged!!! We still pray every night, i've just finished my Dawn French book, funny and started reading Jo Brand's book, so the family think I'm obsessed with comedy, which is probably true!!

I'll update my blog soon, after the weekend!

Chow for now!


Dim newydd rili, da ni gyd di bod yn eitha sal ar ol bod yn Patan Durbar Sq, odda ni gyd fel yn meddwl bo ni di cael y pryd gora o fwyd erioed. 3 crempog yr un! Ha ond yr arglwydd dwi di bod yn pibo fel llo ers dydd sul, dwin dechra gwella ond dwi dal bach yn dodjy! Maen job bod yn sal yn Nepal, achos does na'm byd yn lan! Dwr budur, mwd yn bob man! Felly maen anodd teimlo'n iach unwaith eto!Ond dwin dal i fwynhau er gwaetha'r salwch!!

Ma'r ty dwi byw ynddo fo yn wych, dwin dod ymlaen hefo pob aelod o'r teulu a dwin dechra cymryd rhan yn ddylestwydda'r ty, wnes i helpu Kaki (mam) i olchi sosbenni noson o'r blaen a darganfod bo nhw'n defnyddio mwd i lanhau'r llestri, iach! Felly wnes i neud yn siwr bo fi'n sgwrio nhw'n lan lan lan!!!

Urmm, dwin meddwl gai odro's fuwch heno, wyhyw! Dw ni'm be'i neud dros y penwythnos, kathmandu neu aros yn Lamatar a cerdded y mynyddoedd! Dw ni'm wnai adael chi wbod dydd mawrth nesa be'n union a lle fyddai di bod!!


Thursday, 21 January 2010


Hi guys!

I'm having an awesome time here in Nepal! I've got a lot 2 say, but I'll start by talking about my new Nepali family!

My Nepali family are wealthy, maybe they wouldn't be in Wales but they have a large house with a shower (cold) and a Western toilet, which is something I didn't expect 2 see here in Nepal, so I'm very lucky! I share a house with Nur ( another platform 2 volunteer) here's from Birmingham and he's a very funny guy! The Nepali family are lovely, he he very strong, for example my Kakaa ( uncle) had a shower at 4 a clock in the morning this morning, I bet it was freezing!!! Their all very fascinated with my family at home because they can't get their head around the fact that my mother and father are divorced which is not a thing that happens really here in Nepal, sooo I spent last night trying to explain that it's normal in Wales or England, funny! They also wanted 2 know about how expensive education is in Wales, University because my brother Nirjal wants 2 study medicince in England! I told him 2 try for a scholarship!

One wierd thing that happens here in Nepal is when a woman is on her period she is sent 2 a room for 10 days and for 4 days of them 10 days she moves down 2 the lower caste "untouchable". I was disturbed when I heard about this but after hearing the Nepali woman point of view I think is's a good idea! The women were like, we get 10 days off, we don't have 2 cook, it's a chance 2 read, relax and talk 2 other women! I was like cool, it ain't that bad, although it's still discrimination, it's apart of their culture and they believe it's okay!!

I'm hoping we can go 2 kathmandu do this weekend, last week their was a strike and the Maoist (communist political party in Nepal) are threatening a strike this weekend, aaah! Nepal don't have any political stability, they change their prime Minister every 3 2 6 months, mad! That's why education and simple things like rubbish collections and stuff aren'r very strong in Nepal because the goverment can't decide what and how much money should be spent, so basically Nepali people who pay income tax haven't got a clue where the money goes! So obviously the governemt are spending all the money and not leaving enough for the people of the country, it's sad! It's even more sad because Nepal is finally a republic, which is what the people have fought for years for, and now they've got it, it's still unsure and very complicated!!! But I think in a few years the government will be stable enough 2 look after all Nepali people, this is what I dream and wish for every night!!! Please!!!

Anyway, good bye for now guy's!

See you around!



Reit ma genai lot i ddeud, dwi di trio cofio pob dim dwi di neud hyd yn hyn yn ym mhen achos ma'r holl feiro' dwi di brynu 'di diflannu!!!

Oce dechreuai drwy son am fy'n nheulu newydd (paid a poeni mam a sioned a elwyn dwi di dal yn caru chi, your my number one's). Pa ry'n bynnag dwi'n rili mwynhau byw hefo fy'n nheulu newydd, ma nhw'n glen ac yn llawn hwyl, yn enwedig y Nain, maen neud fi chwerthin lot, er bo fi'm yn deall gair maen ddeud! Maen cadw rhoi stwff yn fy llaw, fel tywel, reis, tanjarins! Ffyni!! Ma'r fam yn ferchetaidd iawn er bod hi'n ffermio drwy'r dydd a golchi llestri a coginio , maen brydferth iawn! He he nithiwr ges i sgwrs rili neis hefo'i am addysg yng Nghymru, siarad am Mam a Sioned, siarad am Elwyn a doedd hi methu deall pam bo mam a dad di gwahanu a pam bo mam hefo Elwyn, wnes i drio egluro bo cael ysgariad yn eitha cyffredin adre'n Nghymru! Ond yn Nepal ma bron a bod yn anghyfreithlon achos yr holl broses o drefnu priodasau, er boi
'i phriodas hi di cael ei drefnu maen ymddangos yn hapus iawn hefo'i gwr! Ma nhw'n amlwg yn caru ei gilydd!

Peth arall sydd wedi fy'n nharo yma'n Nepal ydi'r ffordd ma'r ferch/dynes yn cael ei trin tra mae ar ei mislif, ma'r ddynes neu ferch yn cael ei gyrru i ffwrdd i fyw mewn stafell am 10 diwrnod ac yn ystod 4 diwrnod o'r 10 diwrnod maen symud i'r caste "untouchable'! Pan glywishi am hyn o ni fel " wow", ond ma'r merched yn Nepal yn mwynhau'r cyfnod achos ma'n gyfle iddyn nhw gael gorffwys, peidio coginio a mwynhau cwmni merched eraill! Maen gyfle iddyn nhw feddwl a hel meddyliau, ar ol iddyn nhw egluro o ni fel, ow ie syniad da! Sa'n eitha cwl sa hyn yn digwydd yng Nghymru, deg diwrnod i ffwrdd a llonydd am 10 diwrnod bob mis? Cwl de? Er ma na lot o deuleuodd yma'n Nepal yn dewis anwybyddu'r rheol yma erbyn hyn!!

Sgenai'm llawer o ddim byd arall i ddeud ar hyn o bryd!m Gobeithio mynd i Kathmandu wknd ma, am hwyl! A gweld ychydig o'r ddinas tu allan i Themal ( ardal twristiaeth) dwi awydd cyfarfod ychydig o hippies! he he!

Hwyl am y tro!!!


Saturday, 16 January 2010

Kathmandu. Lamatar, Lubhoo!

Hello guys!
I'm having the most amazing time in Nepal! For the first 4 days we stayed in Kathmandu whcih was really nice as we bonded as a group, we also bonded with the Sirtuar lot, so know we are separated I miss them very much! So hello 2 sirtuar!

I've learnt a lot about the Nepali culture for example whistling inside the home is unlucky and tehy rub cow pack all over the kitchen floor as it is pure, ming! ha! All we eat is rice and daal soo i can't wait 2 get 2 Kathmanu next weekend 2 eat some chips and maybe a sneaky steak!

Lamatar is very beautiful, and I've bonded well with my family from the beginning, my older brother Nirjal is lovely and he has very good english, which is very handy!!!

I'll write more on tuesday, till then Pheri Betaulaaa!!!


Helo fy ffrind! Dwi'n cael amser anhgoel yma'n Nepal, dwi'n mwynhau pob eiliad, er deud huna dwi'm yn or-hoff o'r gael cawod oer, oer bob dydd! ha! A byta reis 3 gwaith y dydd, he he!

Da ni di bod gweld dipyn, ymweld ar monkey temple sef un o'r buddhist temples mwya yn byd! Anhygoel, er o genai ofn yn mwnci"s! Ma Kathmandu yn le anhygoel er ma na lot fowr o dlodi yna yn enwedig yn Themal!!

Dwi di dysgu lot am ddiwylliant Nepali'n barod!!

Byddai ar hwn eto dydd Mawrth felly tan hynny Pheri Betaulaaa!!!


Saturday, 2 January 2010

Anturiaethau Ceri

Helo helo, byddai'n dechrau ar yn nhaith i Nepal dydd Iau sef 7/01/2009! Byddai'n gwirfoddoli yno am 10 wythnos, os hoffech chi glywed ychydig o'r hanes yna maen groeso i chi ddilyn fy'n anturiaethau ar hwn!

Hello hello, I'll be starting on my adventure 2 Nepal on thursday (7.01.2009)! Where i'll be volunteering in a village called Lamatar which is about 8miles away from Kathmandu! If you'd like 2 hear about my adventure, then keep a close eye on this blog!!
