Thursday 1 April 2010


Well i've been back for two weeks now, strange but i'm bored of being home arleady! Here are some of the experiences i've experienced since i've been back

Farmer: Have you caught malaria or HIV? i answered "No"
Farmer: Where's Nepal? I didn't answer!

The jet lag has been awful, I've been confused,and I keep waking up at 5 in the morning, starving!! But feeling better now, despite the stomach aches, yeah I still have problems despite the amazing choice of foods i have at home, bran flakes for breakfast, what a lovely experience!!

Things i'm trying to do now that i'm home!

Get a job, i'm determined to get a job working for a charity raising awareness of global issues and social injustice.

Raise awareness about the stuff I learnt in Nepal, try to get it out there!

Trying to learn to say thank you instead of Danyabaad!

Stop missing my Nepali family, impossible!

Speak as much Welsh as I possible can, i've missed it!

Try to get used to people calling me Ceri, what happened to Dipaaa? Has she completely dissapeared? What happened to her? I miss her!

Living without the other volunteers, it's hard, as they actually know how much I miss Nepal as they miss it 2!

Tagg everybody in everybody's Nepal photo's, it's a slow process!

This list can go on forever! Anyway yeah, also if anybody want's me 2 work for them, give me a shout! I'm skint...


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