Monday, 13 February 2012

Bitch, Bitch, Bitch

Dwi'n darllen cyfrol fer uffernol o ddoniol am ddyfyniadau gan gantorion a bandiau, mae rhai ohonyn nhw yn ddoniol a rhai eraill yn ddiddorol, dyma rhai ohonyn nhw:

Madonna 2003:
The critics have been writing me off for 20 years. That's nothing new. As far as I know I still have plenty of fans and sell a lot of records. Do I care what the critics say? No"

Newspapers are full of lies,I don't want to have anything to do with them. It's just a rule in out house - nobody can bring magazines or newspapers into the house" haha, "critics don't bother me my ass.

Noel Gallagher, Oasis , 1995

"Would I accept an MBE? Yeah. I would becaus
e you could probably flog it. I'd accept but I'd rather he offered me a place in the fucking cabinet! Minister for Rock" They've got Minister for Sport but who gives a shit about sport, all that bollocks, running around in shorts and that! Fuck that nonsense! I could be the minster for Rock. Just see myself in the House of Lords, falling asleep and dribbling" Canodd Oasis y gan Footballs's coming home a hefyd ma'r ddau ohonyn nhw'n ffans enfawr o Man City !

Ar ol derbyn tair gwobr 1996, Noel Gallagher:

"What do I think of the Brits committee? They're a bunch of twats who think people like Sting and Bowie are the cutting edge of music"

"I just nodded and hoped they'd go away" Liv Tyler yn son am y Gallaghers, 2002,

Be' uffern ydy Fat Roll, Madonna?

"The women you see in videos are always stick figures. It's such a taboo to have women with rolls of flesh on them, but to me, they're so beautiful and strong. When you sit down you have a fat roll even if you're not fat. My six year old daughter has a fat roll. I feel very consoled by that. It's cool" (Madonna, 2003)

"It's pathetic when people swear for the sake of it" Glen Matlock, ex Sex Pistol, 2004, oes angen deud mwy?

"Wanna hear my speech? The BNP are cunts" Pete Doherty, yn erbyn hiliaeth 2004.

"You sit and talk about your band's music and they say "Yeah, that's great. We're really gonna cover your band' Then you read The Mirror and it's like "1000 pound a day on crack and heroin' So the five minutes you spent talking about drugs is the article! Pete Doherty, 2004.

"Madonna is an old lady. She should get a nice band, just stand in front of them and sing" Amy Winehouse, 2004.

Madonna, best fucking live act? Fuck off!Since when has lip synching been live? Anyone who lip synchs in public on stage when you've paid £75 to see them should be shot. That's me off her Christmas card list, but do I give a toss? NO" Elton John wedi llyncu mul, 2004.

"Wearing jeans and t-shirt is a symbol of White American imperialism, like drinking coca cola" Bjork, 2004 yn bod yn controversial, sypreis, sypreis!!!

"I wouldn't even think about playing music if I was born in these times. I'd probably turn to something like mathematics" Bob Dylan, 2004.

"I'm rebelling against myself. I've taken out all my piercings apart from one in my right nipple. That's for me" Christina Aguilera, 2004.

"I'd rather vote for a chimpanzee than Bush" Sting, 2005.

"He's very pretty. Maybe that's why he's so paranoid" Boy George on Eminem. 2001.

"Colonel Gaddaffi is madder than I am. He should stop fucking around with guns and buy a guitar. He'd be the greatest rock star in the world" Ozzy Osbourne 2001, bechod 'sa Prydain a America wedi rhoi gitar i Gaddafi yn lle gwerthu gynnau a bomia' iddo fo, falle sa' fo dal yn fyw a llwyth o bobl eraill diniwed roedd o a'i gyfundrefn wedi lladd, wel Prydain/America oedd ar fai rili....