Well what have I been up to lately? Well we've had a few adventures this last week, last weekend it was Yannick's birthday so we all went out for a meal and ate chocolate cake!! We've also finished all the building work, it was fun! We moved all the big rocks and finished most of the bricklaying!
Family wise, well I forgot to write down about the death celebration me and Nur went to, it was an experience, in Nepal they celebrate everything so every year they celebrate their ancestors death anniversary, it happens every year for centuries! We ate loadz with all the family around us, the rice pudding was delicious, it was nice to eat rice in a different form!
We also visited Sirtuar this week and helped them out on the work site (i didn't though because i've had the worse stomach aches ever), it was really cool to see the other project site and mix with the other volunteers in Nepal! We also went to have a big meal with the rest of the community to celebrate Graham's Hajurbwa's death! Strange moment!!!
As it's the last week (couple of days)here in Nepal i won't be writing on my blog until I'm back home! It's been a wonderful experience and i'll be very upset when I leave, AND I'LL MISS MY NEPALI FAMILY VERY MUCH! Me and Nur are having a party tomorrow with the family to thank them for letting us stay with them!!
Helo pawb!
Wel da ni di cael wythnos gwefreiddiol iawn, dwi di mwynhau pob eiliad, sgenai'm amser i sgwennu a cyfieithu be dwi di sgwennu uchod, felly be wnai ydi sgwennu pregeth pan ddoi'n nol!!
Hwyl i chi am y tro a welai chi gyd yn fuan!
Dechreuais i sgwennu'r blog tra oeddwn i ffwrdd yn Nepal...felly ma'r blog yn reit gall ar y dechrau ond erbyn hyn dw i'n sgwennu am fy meddyliau, barn, cwyn a pob math o bethau eraill i'ch diddanu chi gobeithio!
Friday, 12 March 2010
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Happy Holy! Ko Danda!
Helo fy ffrindiau!
Wel dwi di cael wythnos gwych, dydd mercher dwetha bues i'n cerdded hefo gweddill y grwp i Ko Danda a cyfarfod rw Hungarian odd am paragleidio,cwl! Er bechod bo ni'm yn cael ymuno hefo fo!
Dydd gwener aethon ni Kathmandu a dawnsio lot, dydd Sadwrn aethon ni i'r lle ma o'r enw Bodnhath, sef ardal lle ma'r Buddhist i gyd yn byw yn Kathmandu! Dwi rioed di bod mewn ardal mor llonydd, hamddenol a cwl! Ges i ambell llun hefo'r Buddhist a sawl llun o'r Supna Temple, sef un o'r golygfeydd mwya prydferth welish i erioed!
Dydd Sul, wel son am ddiwrnod! Diwedd mis Chwefror ydy'r adeg mwya cyffrous i fod yn rhan o gymdeithas yma'n Nepal achos ma nhw'n dathlu'r Holi, sef gwyl y lliwiau lle ma pawb yn llecho paent ar ei gilydd, wrth gwrs cafodd ni'n gorchuddio mewn paent o bob lliw, dwr! Ges i gymaint o hwyl yn llecho paent ar bawb a balwns hefo dwr ynddyn nhw, wir i chi o ni'n goch ac yn binc erbyn diwedd a dwi dal YN!!
A neithiwr welishi llew tu allan i'r ty tua 9, iaics o ni'n cachu brics!!
I 've had the best week ever, our trek to ko Danda was brilliant, we also had so much fun on Holy Day, it was such a pleasure to play Holy with the community, we throwed paint at them and they covered me in pink paint, which still won't come off! It was such an experience, dancing with all the community whilst soaking wet and covered in pink paint, and i discovered that you don't need music to dance with Nepali people, just a good singing voice! We sang so many Hindu songs which even I didn't know I knew but did, if you get me!
Any way i'll show photos when I get back! Oh yeah last night was such a scary night, their was a leopard outside the house about 9ish and at 10 a house in the community caught fire so the fire brigade and police were out! so scary, but exiting, luckily nobody was hurt!!!
Wel dwi di cael wythnos gwych, dydd mercher dwetha bues i'n cerdded hefo gweddill y grwp i Ko Danda a cyfarfod rw Hungarian odd am paragleidio,cwl! Er bechod bo ni'm yn cael ymuno hefo fo!
Dydd gwener aethon ni Kathmandu a dawnsio lot, dydd Sadwrn aethon ni i'r lle ma o'r enw Bodnhath, sef ardal lle ma'r Buddhist i gyd yn byw yn Kathmandu! Dwi rioed di bod mewn ardal mor llonydd, hamddenol a cwl! Ges i ambell llun hefo'r Buddhist a sawl llun o'r Supna Temple, sef un o'r golygfeydd mwya prydferth welish i erioed!
Dydd Sul, wel son am ddiwrnod! Diwedd mis Chwefror ydy'r adeg mwya cyffrous i fod yn rhan o gymdeithas yma'n Nepal achos ma nhw'n dathlu'r Holi, sef gwyl y lliwiau lle ma pawb yn llecho paent ar ei gilydd, wrth gwrs cafodd ni'n gorchuddio mewn paent o bob lliw, dwr! Ges i gymaint o hwyl yn llecho paent ar bawb a balwns hefo dwr ynddyn nhw, wir i chi o ni'n goch ac yn binc erbyn diwedd a dwi dal YN!!
A neithiwr welishi llew tu allan i'r ty tua 9, iaics o ni'n cachu brics!!
I 've had the best week ever, our trek to ko Danda was brilliant, we also had so much fun on Holy Day, it was such a pleasure to play Holy with the community, we throwed paint at them and they covered me in pink paint, which still won't come off! It was such an experience, dancing with all the community whilst soaking wet and covered in pink paint, and i discovered that you don't need music to dance with Nepali people, just a good singing voice! We sang so many Hindu songs which even I didn't know I knew but did, if you get me!
Any way i'll show photos when I get back! Oh yeah last night was such a scary night, their was a leopard outside the house about 9ish and at 10 a house in the community caught fire so the fire brigade and police were out! so scary, but exiting, luckily nobody was hurt!!!
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